Dr Steven Herbert

Research Associate _Work Package 2 (E_WP2)

Steven Herbert is a Research Associate at the Institute for Digital Communications, University of Edinburgh School of Engineering. He is currently working on adaptive waveform design for active sensing with Dr. James Hopgood and Professor Bernard Mulgrew. His primary research interests lie in statistical signal processing and information theory, his other interests include statistical mechanics and quantum information theory. He also has significant experience in mesh network organisation and routing.

Steven received the M.A. (cantab) and M.Eng. degrees from the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory in 2015. Following the submission of his Ph.D. thesis he remained at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory as a Research Assistant from May to June 2014, and has retained an affiliation since as a visiting researcher. From January 2015 until July 2016 he worked at Blu Wireless Technology, Bristol, during which time he was a co-inventor of five patent applications (all currently under review). He started his current position at the University of Edinburgh in September 2016.

Email: s.herbert@ed.ac.uk