Dr. Miao Yu

Research Associate - Work Package 2 (L_WP2)

Dr. Miao Yu was born in China in 1986. He received a BSc degree in 2003 in Electronic and Information Engineering from the Shandong University of Science and Technology, China. He continued to study in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University and received a MSc Degree (with Distinction) in Digital Communication Systems and a PhD Degree in fall detection for the elderly by exploiting computer vision techniques in 2008 and 2013. Currently, he is a Research Associate in the Aeronautical and Automative Engineering Department at Loughborough University and is working on a project on handling uncertainty and incorporating domain knowledge. His research interests include Bayesian filtering algorithms, object tracking, pattern recognition and computer vision based surveillance.

Email: m.yu@lboro.ac.uk

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