SSPD 2019 Presentations and Posters

Plenary Keynote:

Learning to Benchmark
Alfred Hero, University of Michigan


Invited Speakers

Navigation and Destination-Aware Modeling for Highly-Maneuvering Threats
Peter Willett, University of Connecticut

Coherent Beam Control and Machine Learning for Enhanced Imaging Applications
Daniele Faccio, University of Glasgow

Big Hypotheses: A Generic Tool for Fast and Good Bayesian Machine Learning
Simon Maskell, University of Liverpool


Paper Presentations

Message Passing for Joint Registration and Tracking in Multistatic Radar
David Cormack1,2 & James R Hopgood2, 1Heriot-Watt University, 2University of Edinburgh

Detection of Incumbent Radar in the 3.5 GHz CBRS Band Using Support Vector Machines
Raied Caromi1 & Michael R. Souryal1, 1National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Designing Linear FM Active Sonar Waveforms for Continuous Line Source Transducers to Maximize the Fisher Information at a Desired Bearing
John R. Buck, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

Dual-functional Radar-Communication Waveform Design under Constant-modulus and Orthogonality Constraints
Christos Masouros & Hugh Griffiths,University College London

Measuring the Smoothness of Real-Valued Functions from Sample Points on the Unit Circle
Stephan Weiss, Ian Proudler, Malcolm D MacLeod University of Strathclyde,QinetiQ

How Noise Radar Technology Brings Together Active Sensing and Modern Electronic Warfare Techniques in a Combined Sensor Concept
Christoph Wasserzier1, Daniel O Hagan1 & Josef Worms1, 1Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR


Poster Presentations

P01 Support Estimation of a Sample Space-Time Covariance Matrix
Connor Delaosa1, Jennifer Pestana1, Nick Goddard2, Samuel D. Somasundaram3, Stephan Weiss1, 1University of Strathclyde, 2Dstl, 3Thales Underwater Systems, UK
P02 Sequentially Trained DNNs Based Monaural Source Separation in Real Room Environments
Yi Li, Yang Sun and Syed Mohsen Naqvi, Newcastle University
P04 Accelerated Search for Non Negative Greedy Sparse Decomposition via Dimensionality Reduction
Konstantinos Voulgaris, Mike E Davies & Mehrdad Yaghoobi, University of Edinburgh
P05 Evaluation of Performance of VDSR Super Resolution on Real and Synthetic Images
David Vint, Gaetano Di Caterina, John J Soraghan, Robert Lamb & David Humphreys, University of Strathclyde, Leonardo MW Ltd.
P06 A New Sparse Linear Array With Three-Level Nested Structure
Mingyang Chen1, Lu Gan2 & Wenwu Wang1, 1University of Surrey, 2Brunel University
P07 Prediction of Sensor Performance Required for Reliable Aircraft Target Discrimination
David Parker1, John P Oakley2, Gary Bishop3 &Henry White1, 1BAE SYSTEMS, 2University of Manchester, 3Dmist Research Ltd.
P08 Two Stage Audio-Visual Speech Separation Using Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks 
Yang Xian1, Yang Sun1, Wenwu Wang2 & Syed Mohsen Naqvi1, 1Newcastle University, 2University of Surrey